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Ormiston Primary School Stage 3&4
EDUCATION / Auckland
The project involved the construction of a new 2 storey teaching block of circa 2000m2, significant infrastructure upgrades and a large new carpark, all within a live school environment. The challenges included Covid lockdowns and materials shortages. The project was delivered in close collaboration with the client team, minimising the impact of these challenges on the outcome. Our team are very proud of the result.
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Tauranga Girls College Block J Weathertightness Remediation and Seismic Strengthening
EDUCATION / Tauranga
This project was one with a long history for the school. As a project it had been in the works for seven years and understandably the school were very keen to see it started. The existing building was three stories with a footprint of circa 1,200m2 per floor. The building required major seismic upgrades and cladding replacements to deal with weathertightness issues. The seismic upgrade was significant including new internal footings, installation of 19 x 250UC73 Concentrically Braced Frames (CBF) frames, chasing out floors across the majority of the building and the install of 499m of 400/500mm wide 12mm diaphragm steel plate rebated into concrete, over 9740 diaphragm plate fixings and 634m2 Sikawrap Fibre Reinforced Polymer sheets followed by high strength grouting.
Upon completion of the seismic and weathertightness works the building fitout will be completed to include science labs, learning facilities and community areas.
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Macleans College Science and Tech Block Redevelopment
EDUCATION / Auckland
The demolition and re-build of the Macleans Science and Technology Block is a 3 stage project. Stage 1 involved the demolition of the existing asbestos clad, leaking facilities, and construction of the new 800m2 Food and Technology Block. In total, this block consisted of seven new teaching spaces made up of a food tech room, computer teaching space, wood and metal working rooms with welding bays. Once completed, C3 was responsible for the relocation of the existing machinery, fittings, and fixtures, which had to be transferred from the old to the new block during the school holiday period to ensure continuity for Macleans College students. Stage 1 of this project involved significant challenges such as working within a live school environment, removing asbestos and contaminated ground, tight working areas, and detailed delivery management to ensure no downtime or disruptions during schooling, especially during specific periods of time i.e., Cambridge Exams.
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Tahatai Coast School
The Tahatai Coast School project was the remediation of the school administration block which had weathertightness issues which resulted in the block being deemed unsafe for use because of toxic mould. The project itself consisted on two stages. Stage one required the building to be tented and cleaned under full containment controls including negative pressure and full hazard control suits. Once clearance testing was complete and building was safe, stage two could commence. Stage two consisted of the removal of the roof, roof structure, external cladding and internal walls and linings. The roof was re-pitched and a full re-clad and fitout was undertaken.
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EDUCATION / Auckland
This project, completed in February 2021, was a 2 stage project, firstly involving an enabling works package, undertaking the demolition of the existing asbestos clad classroom and infrastructure blocks and construction of a new carpark and services compound. Then in stage 2, the construction of a new 2 storey teaching block housing 10 classrooms with associated resource and amenities. C3 was engaged under an ECI contract to assist with the buildability of design, with particular focus on site access constraints and logistics. C3 takes its ECI commitments seriously, a detailed report at Developed Design stage ensured clear strategies were identified and reported to the client as a means to mitigate projects risks early on.
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EDUCATION / Auckland
This design and build project involved the rebuild of Mansfield House, circa 1000m2 of Whanau Block unique to Macleans College. The design team, lead by Roy Bloc of Brewer Davidson Architects, thoughtfully designed a building that fit the Macleans College Whanau Block pedagogy, but also was flexible enough to fit the MOE Innovative Learning Environment standards. Tight timeframes drove split consents and fast tracked design and construct methodologies to ensure completion on time.
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EDUCATION / Auckland
We delivered over 1000m2 of new innovative learning spaces at this leading edge junior school in Karaka, Auckland. With intricate design including multi pitched roof with LVL roof frame, the use of 3d modelling technology and drone based 3d photogrammetry was instrumental in ensuring a smooth erection process.
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EDUCATION / Auckland
This project involved the build of a Special Needs Unit on the Flanshaw Road School campus. Special consideration had to be given to materiality and quality of finishes due to the unique requirements of some of the students. C3 is proud to have sourced an alternative, value for money, playground solution to ensure the students would have access to tactile play areas to suit their needs. A project that was humbling to be involved with, C3 loves to be part of delivering buildings for kids who need and appreciate them.
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EDUCATION / Auckland
This project involves the careful rebuild of nearly a kilometre of covered walkways around Macleans College. To add to the challenge, the existing walkways house the schools main services infrastructure. C3 stepped up to the logistical challenge, managing multiple workfaces, whilst maintain critical access for students and teachers, as well as maintaining live services to the entire school campus.